What to Know About Your Sunroom Plans Before You Meet With a Contractor

Getting a sunroom installed in your home? Your contractor can help you realize your vision of the perfect sunspace for your Texas home, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do some homework of your own before you ever talk to a contractor. Think through as many aspects as you can about your sunroom before contacting an installation company so that you can be clear about what you want. Here are a few things to consider:
Where Do You Want Your Sunroom?
First of all, consider where you’d like your sunroom to be. Should it face the front or backyard? First floor or something higher up? This may depend on the views you want to see or the direction of the sun. Trees and nearby buildings or anything that might cast a shade can also be a factor. The setup of your house should also be considered. For instance, you may not be able to add a room addition to the back of your house, but screening your porch is much more doable.
What Kind of Sunroom Do You Want?
The next thing to consider is what kind of sunroom you want. A porch enclosure or screen room will be less installation work as they simply screen in an existing part of your home: your porch, deck, gables, balconies, or any other area that you want to be screened in. It’s essentially making a sunroom out of what’s already there. If you want something a little more extensive, you can create a full sunroom or, for ultimate energy efficiency and enjoyment, you can even go so far as to install a four-season sunroom.
What is Your Sunroom Budget?
The cost of your sunroom will depend on what exactly you want. Sunspace Texas works with you to custom fit your sunroom based on the dimensions of your home and the amount of windows and doors you need. An all-season sunroom, for example, with its multiple insulation features, may have a much higher upfront cost than, say, a screen room. However, it will have cost saving benefits in the long run because of its insulation and energy efficiency. Consider what you’re willing to pay and what the long-term value would be and don’t forget to pad your budget a little in the event that anything unexpected happens.
What Kind of Contractor Can You Trust?
Of course, before you hire a contractor or sunroom company, you need to be sure that you can trust them. Check out reviews for the sunspace installer that you’re interested in hiring, ask for references, and take a look at their experience. Sunspace Modular, for instance, has been providing sunrooms to homes for over 25 years, in Texas and beyond. We’re familiar with the climate and dedicated to customer satisfaction, so you know that you can trust us — our business depends on it, after all. We offer four different types of sunroom models as well as a porch enclosure model. Know what you’re looking for in your sunroom? Contact us today for more information.