A back porch can be one of the most exciting rooms in your home. While many people enjoy gathering in comfortable couches in the living room, sometimes you want to get outside and away from the TV. Having your own sunroom in College Station, TX is the perfect way to create a relaxing getaway right on your property.
When you have a customized outdoor room, you’ll find that you have a perfect place for parties and entertaining guests. With just a few simple additions, you can turn any screened room into an ideal party atmosphere. Here are five essentials that you need to turn your screened porch into the ultimate outdoor room.
#1 – The Perfect Furniture
A party just isn’t the same without some comfortable seating. A great outdoor room needs plenty of seating space for you, your family and all of your guests. Fortunately, it doesn’t take a huge investment to find the right kind of furniture.
You can take a step above the same old camping chairs with the right furniture choices. Consider some fold-out futons that you can store for extra space and then bring out when they are needed. They can seat several people and futons made with vinyl material are resistant to stains and spills.
Some nice folding chairs and even beanbags can all add extra seats to your outdoor room while staying safe from the weather.
#2 – The Right Entertainment
When it comes to entertaining guests in your outdoor room in College Station, you have plenty of options. A large TV is always a good choice. Whether you’re watching the game or having a marathon of your favorite movies, having a TV large enough for your guests is essential.
You don’t have to break the bank on a new model. You can find high-quality used flat screen high-definition TVs in the classifieds section or online. Opt for a model at 40” or larger for the best outdoor viewing experience.
#3 – The Right Lighting
You’ll likely be spending many enjoyable evenings in your outdoor room. Liven up these occasions with the right lighting choices. It really doesn’t take much to brighten things up.
An overhead ceiling light with a fan is essential for lighting dinner parties and keeping things breezy. Stringing some colored lights from the roof of your room adds variety at a low cost. Keep a few lamps on hand that can be moved and stored easily for convenience. Don’t forget candles! You can really set the mood in your screened porch with a few tastefully placed decorative candles.
#4 – Good Flooring
Even though your guests will have plenty of great seating choices, standing on bare grass or concrete is not the ultimate level of comfort. A wood floor or wood alternatives can create a world-class look that is comfortable and weather-resistant. Take it up a notch by investing in a sturdy and attractive flooring solution.
#5 – All The Accessories
A few smart choices of accessories can equip you for any party situation. Some powerful speakers that can be mounted to walls or ceilings can give you a full surround-sound experience. An insulated cooler that can be stored easily will be your best friend when it’s time for grilling and cold drinks.
If you’re a football fan, adding a few throw pillows or posters in the colors of your favorite team will complete any football party. Let your creativity take control and make this space truly yours.
Sunspace Texas can help you turn your back porch into the perfect outdoor room
for any party or gathering that you have in mind.